So lets see an update!
Earlier this week i met Stephanie? not sure if i'm spelling that correct x.x'
But shes a nice girl, moved up here from florida and her fiance is joining her this week from there. We smoked, I was high as a kite! And we watched some movies. I got her interested in contact juggling ^^.
Today alex and i went to the laundry mat, and i decided that mexicans only arrive after a certain time because they have to drop their kids off to school. I have NOTHING against mexicans. But i have a huge problem with most that i have been around at our laundry mat.
Lets see... Oh we also went to korean food restaurant. We brought home some side dishes. I'm pretty much addicted to them. I make my own spinach one, the red one is cut kimchi. Idk what the cucumber one is called ^^''

Here is a picture also of a soup alex made for me. It looks sooo gross. But i swear it is delicious. One of those things you just have to close your eyes and try it.

Oh so i also have to share a story of a dumb woman on myspace.
Yesterday i think i made a new myspace just for the apps so i could invite many many many so i wouldn't disturb my friends and family with them.
So i go through random lists, add people, invite them apps ect ect.
Today i get on an received an email from a woman saying this.
"I want MY FIANCE off your top or i will delete you from his friends list"
Now i do want to share i don't give a fuck who you are or w/e, don't yell at me, don't tempt me or try and make me do something. I wanted to be really mean but i also wanted the woman to realize she was being stupid. I'll share what i wrote back.
"Attention ma'am,
My friends list top's are set to random, If you would refresh my profile over and over you can see that.
Secondly If you could read properly on my page i am listed as in a relationship.
Learn about myspace, and don't assume people are whores as you assume your fiance is by thinking that. You are not only trying to attack me, but him as well. I would do the same wondering about my boyfriend but our relationship is stable and I trust him to tell me anything i ask. Perhaps you should have asked your husband why he is in my friends list. Then he would have probably figured it was due to the myspace apps, which certain ones you need people to become your friends for. I use this myspace page for my apps so that my friends and family on my other page are not bothered by me sending a million app invites out.
Have a good day.
Thanks =)
~Z Kitty"
Seemed reasonable enough of a reply. Yes i felt like i was belittling her a bit. But she needed it. So a bit later, no response but i do notice he is no longer in my friends list. =) Piece of advice, never be that woman (or man) who cant stand corrected.
Lets see what else...
Oh how bout an update on my steps.
Step one, My juggling. Hmm i've been practicing but i feel like im not doing very well. So i'm taking some steps back on it and only am working on a few things. Oh and i talked to senseistrange. Sooo cool. He suggests i try recording myself in front of firelight. Sounded like a fun idea so i'll do that this saturday with candles, a mirror in front of me and a surprise! The surprise i can't say until the video is out. But i painted my wooden ball red in case i feel like switching to it during the video.
Step two, I havent even gotten my stupid page printed >.< So no comment.
Step three, our sleep schedule got fucked again. Should be fixed now? Still aiming for one job application this week.
Step four, I had two crazy dreams last night. One of me and alex getting married. The day of our wedding, friday, something came up - i mentally broke down from all the stress of the preparation of the wedding. In all my dreams of us marrying, i always notice my dress. I think it is part of the symbolism to make me know its our wedding. Well our marriage gets put off not one day but 3 days and we don't have it until monday due to more and more problems arising. Monday comes around and i wake up. Strange to me that the only dreams i can think of at the moment of alex and i getting married - they all have some sort of sadness that scares me during the dream. Like we can never get married happily.
Oh and note to self, Astral Plane is calling.
Step five, Ive taken playing far on the new myspace. Count is being a booger. I was on wlo yesterday. Moussa told me i had a lot of work to do on our forums x.x'''''''''' Scaryyyyy! Alex has just been purely annoying me recently. But he doesn't seem to care how it makes me feel. The apartment though, It is still fairly keeping clean! Only problem is in the bed room where our we have no dirty laundry atm, but 4 bags of clean laundry that need put away x.x'''' I ate as much soup that alex made as utterly possible. Infact i really enjoy the broth part so i pretty much just ate that and left all the other nummies inside. But we have groceries and i admit i haven't eaten much of our fresh fruit yet but i'm eager to =)
That's about it for an update.
OH Crap no it's not.
There is a movie out called 'Phoebe in Wonderland' Watch that movie.
I thoroughly enjoyed it as a movie about a little girl who has problems.
No this is not a movie that is all fun and joyous.
It is a story about a little girl who has to escape to wonderland in her mind.
I would recommend it to anyone but i think children can also watch the movie with a great understanding.
~Z Kitty
i'm so addicted to kimchi too:P a korean friend made it for me once and i got hooked.
ReplyDeletei love reading your blog
hugs burzel