Step one - I practiced a lot yesterday with my juggling. I haven't had a chance to yet today though. Tommorow I upload my first practice one x.x'! Kinda nervous lol. I'm aiming for atleast 30 minutes daily play with my ball.
Step two - Hmm well, i haven't designed my work out yet. But I will probally go off of my sparkpoints account info. I have it set to 3 days a week excersizing. With 10-15 minutes of cardio as well. So two or three times a week i will spend 30 mintues working out.
Step three - No excuse here but i stayed up yesterday til early in the morning time. Atleast 36 hours awake til i finally went to sleep. I had looked at several jobs though I will aim to apply to atleast one this week.
Step four - Here is my spiritual entry and confusion with people. Today i got on myspace because i was enjoying some of the applications on there last night. Snow, destiny's friend, had sent me a gift in one and for some reason explained easter to me. I kinda found it insulting. I am not ignorant, it wasnt taken as a hello to me. I don't know exactly what to think about it. I mean destiny is my bff. I know she is not stupid, but for some reason i felt like it was a belittling thing to do to me since the fact he knows he is introducing destiny to some stuff she is learning very well. Do i recognize the fact i don't go for other peoples little games? Or do i simply ignore or just play nice? Spiritually. i think the tiger part of me is just being too proud to see it as anything thing other than insulting. This is where i need to step back and take joy in other people's opinions. So i think the best resolution is to just send a kind smile back. He is welcome to say and think however =) Even if destiny falls for anything or acts any different towards me regarding my spirituality. It is something that i have to recognize and rejoice in that - i am lucky/blessed to know them, loved by my true friends, and am memorable enough to have been in their thoughts. =)
Step five - Today i have spent time playing on myspace apps. I will clean the ferrets cage, counts litter box, try and let the ferrets play if the living room gets cleaned up as well - which would mean cleaning all the ferrets ears ^^. Alex volunteered to take out the trash today, made me feel good about cleaning. Plus he has to get our suitcase and laundry from the car anyways. To balance everything else out, I need to check on wlo wrath, talk on 2029 forums, get on yahoo to get dez to add msn, talk to raffy, listen to music, cj, and cook some rice for dinner later. Oh an also send an email to this girl on hotmail about hanging out sometime. I forgot her name x.x''
Well end of report!
I found the camera and here are soem pictures from our trip. x.x' Alex told me i get to having too much fun and forget to take pictures. Sooo true....... >.<
Alex is pictured here, riding destiny's rodeo. "Charge!" Norman, Oklahoma - Event center parking for the Renn Faire on Friday April 3rd, 2009.

Next this is my destiny, She is a sweet and sexy slave. The wind was blowing a lot so she got the hip scarf which looks great! Norman, Oklahoma - Event center parking for the Renn Faire on Friday April 3rd, 2009.

Lastly was our adventure of picking up jasmine and colin from jel who met us at the oklahoma texas border. It was a long boring trip, in which alex has decided though destiny is a few months older than him - She is our step daughter. >>! Also alex owes destiny child support for taking me up to nebraska. But alex claims counter child support since hes supporting me and him. XD Any ways. This is taken at the Wind Star casino on the Oklahoma, Texas border. It was an okay casino, pretty outside but it was rather crowded inside because of the poor layout which is also shown in the parking lot's design. Destiny in the middle of a very large lit sign, couldnt get a full picture... Alex sitting on the side ^^.

Have a GREAT day!
Keep a smile on your face some how.
~Z Kitty
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